Friday 29 March 2013

TAOP - Assignment 3 - FEEDBACK

TAOP - Assignment 3 - FEEDBACK

I've not copied in all my feedback but have detailed below a summary with my comments:

Overall Comments

The excellent manner that the work is delivered and presented shows the commitment to the module and a great understanding of the theory reinforced by the production of a strong collection of images that are very well executed.
An exceptionally well-annotated Blog gives an indication of how you are progressing and records the learning process and demonstrates a mature approach to the academic aspect of the process. 

WJ Comments - I'm very pleased with the feedback. I do need to ensure I remember my photography and not become solely focused on the assignment that this element suffers

Feedback on assignment
The delivery and completion of your work is extremely well paced and is of a very high standard. With the restrictions of short days and poor weather the choice of predominantly still life for this assignment works in your favour and shows an intelligence of what is possible to deliver at this time. This maintains a very good structure that prepares you to progress quickly and effectively.
There are a wide variety of subjects and these for fills the brief that requires a chance of subject to stretch your experience and provide a good collection for a portfolio as well as the fulfilment of the brief. 

Within the collection of images there are some notable ones that deserve special comment:
WJ Comments - I've not detailed all my tutor's comments:

Colour Harmony through complimentary colours, using what you identify as a ‘well known snack’ (Whatsit?) you have created an image of great power, using abstraction, and a well observed eye.
The image shows the printed detail and is reminiscent of the work of Roy Lichtenstein, who currently has a wonderful retrospective exhibition at the TATE modern, intentional or not it is great to see inspiration found from such work.
The use of a macro lens and the limited depth of field characteristics have been particularly successful in a number of images and those are predominantly the more successful aesthetic creations. The Lemon & Lime in what looks like a gin and tonic is a very appealing image on many levels.

The back-lit lemon slice with green background is also a notable image that works. It may have benefited by a silver/mirror reflector adding additional highlights on the foreground of the lemon, it seems that you have got some subtle highlights already, but when working at this scale it is difficult to execute and you have done well with this.

WJ Comments - This is a good idea and one I shall remember. I do have a reflector but as does happen in the exercises / assignments sometimes that I focus too much and forget some of the simple elements. I will remember this

The use of flowers for an assignment such as this is a natural choice but the choice of fresh pristine flowers is not usually seen, so again, attention to detail and selection of appropriate subject is to be commended.

The choice of a naked flame shows a creative and innovative approach to the work, but although well executed the large expanse of black dominates the image and there is far more subtle colours within a flame, it is a strong image and a very difficult subject but I feel that more control of this would have produced a stronger image.
WJ Comments - I was initially think of the flame in contrast to blackness but in hindsight I should perhaps have focused entirely on the flame and the two colours

This assignment is about colour and you have great evidence of understanding, however there are a few images that are not as aesthetically successful. These are the landscapes, which both seem to be a great contrast to the other material but as subjects are been forced into answering the brief. It is perhaps wishing to have variety that dictated the inclusion of these, but I feel that as the majority of the macro and still lives are very successful, you may agree that as a body of work they are the weaker images.
WJ Comments - I agree entirely I was torn between continuing with macro and filling the brief. I should in hindsight have kept the subject matter and produced the images as a set

The Hand & orange is well executed but may benefit from closer cropping or a different ratio as the dark of the sleeve tends to distract, these are small points, and should not be taken as major issues.

This is the original:

This is with a tighter crop:
This removes the distracting black sleeve and makes the orange much more dominant in the image. I've amended the crop so that the orange is not dead centre, I recall this from earlier exercises :D

On the whole a well executed assignment.

Feedback on assignment Learning Logs or Blogs/Critical essays Context
The learning Blog is a very important part of this assignment and yours is very good, however it maybe that you should start to look at what are your weaknesses within a group of images and how you could improve. Your own critical judgement is a skill that is very important as you move forward, it is a difficult thing to do especially in a medium such as a BLOG

WJ Comments -  I do try to think about what I've done for each exercise and detail this in my blog together with what I've learnt. I'm now getting more comfortable with this process and will endeavour to critique my weaker images and detail why I think they are weaker

Suggested reading/viewing Context
To be aware of the quality of flower still life photography, I would suggest the work of Carol Sharp and other photographers to be found on the Association of Photographers website.

This is also a great resource for future assignments as the photographers are amongst the worlds best and the benchmark for many aspiring to work in a very competitive but rewarding arena.

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